Our favorite Koala from New Jersey is once again in his space ship in his mission to search for God . . . and he finds . . . a nebula. Continue reading
Category: Koala
Comments from the Koala 18: The Importance of Reading
The Koala from New Jersey tells us all of the importance of learning to read, then reading to learn about God in the Bible
Comments from the Koala 17: The Reformed Squirrel
Meet Squizzy, the reformed Squirrel. He will tell you all about how his life turned around after meeting a certain Koala from New Jersey! Continue reading
Comments from the Koala 16: The Turtle from Teaneck
The Turtle from Teaneck is a new friend of the Koala from New Jersey. This turtle is just coming out of his shell. Welcome him as a friend.
Comments from the Koala 15: Saying Thank You from Snowy Pines
The Koala from New Jersey teaches us to say Thank You for all Good Gifts!
Comments from the Koala 14: Sliding into Advent
The Koala slides down a hill to explain Advent . . . Music & Lyrics by TJ Burnside-Clapp: Lullaby for a Weary World.
Comments from the Koala 13: The Koala wishes Happy Thanksgiving
Koala from New Jersey has finally made it home to celebrate Thanksgiving with his family.
Comments from the Koala 12: The Collie from Colorado
The Collie from Colorado stands in for the Koala from New Jersey . . . That mountain is just so bee-yoo-tee-ful!
Comments from the Koala 11: Being Friends
Our Koala from New Jersey is visited by a very furry creature who probably wants to be friends . . .
Comments from the Koala 10: The Koala in the Rain
A very Soggy Koala . . .