Dwayne the Dwagon is on the Winning Team . . . . Find out how . . . .
Here’s another quick view of Dwayne the Dwagon: Continue reading
Dwayne the Dwagon is on the Winning Team . . . . Find out how . . . .
Here’s another quick view of Dwayne the Dwagon: Continue reading
Br. Stan retrieves Mr. Sheepy from the briars and the cliff to show that everyone is special in God’s sight, and that Christian courage is in helping one another come back to God.
Br. Stan “the Man” MacKenzie describes the different orders of Brothers. Continue reading
Stinky the Salamander gets a new name and a new mission from God through the angel Nornie. All music is from Musicalley Spring Song, by Bridge Magical Symphonic Awakening, by Jim Richmond
Here’s Fudge! He’s a milk chocolate lab(rador retriever), yet he can’t eat chocolate fudge, and he’s broken up about it. Continue reading
Pete the Tweet is a blue bird here to talk to us about a balanced use of the computer. Continue reading
The Koala from New Jersey plays referee between a sheep who is prideful and a goat who is humble. Continue reading
The debut of Bob, The Moose, who is in trouble again. Will he learn to ask for forgiveness from God?
You’re invited to make a big difference in the life of a very very small creature! Come up with a name for the Koala from New Jersey and enter it for a chance to win a DVD of the first 20 Comments from the Koala, which also includes some never-before-released…
Our favorite Koala is visiting a local airport where planes are coming and going all the time. He is talking about allowing God to love us, thereby feeling the urge to fly up to Him . . . A cameo “appearance” by Catholic Pilot Capt Jeff Nielson